Women's Hormones: A Guide to the Cycle and Infertility( 2 )
Part one of this article was published last month and covers the follicular phase, treatment, and ovulation.
Phase Three
The third phase is referred to as the luteal phase, and is regulated by the Spleen Qi and Kidney Yang. The hyper thermal phase is marked by high body temperatures and lasts for about 14 days. After the rupture and release of the egg into the uterus, the follicle turns into corpus luteum and is now associated with the secretion of progesterone, that is known to regulated the processes in this phase. The progesterone has a heating effect on the body and can be rightly touted as Yang owing to its properties.
The basic functions of the progesterone are to ready the endometrium inside the uterus, facilitate a firm implantation of the egg that has been fertilized by the sperm, and also stimulate the blood capillaries present in the uterus to produce more blood for the uterine lining.
Owing to the domination of the Yang energies, the luteal phase is associated with a higher BBT as compared to the lower temperatures of the follicular phase. In case, your luteal phase stays on for a shorter period of time than normal, there might be chances of insufficient levels of Spleen Qi or Kidney Yang in the body.